Horse Rescue Rehabilitate Retrain Rehome
Please visit our corporate sponsors who have graciously donated products, services or money to benefit the equines at Hoof & Soles. Without our donors, Hoof & Souls would not exist.
If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor, please contact Hoof & Souls at hoofandsouls@gmail.com or call Melanie at 972-977-7663. Hoof & Souls welcomes new sponsors....we are grateful and excited to partner with you moving forward.
Benefits to Your Business
Donations are tax deductible Hoof & Souls Tax ID:
Drive new customers to your business. Supporters of Hoof & Soles may have never heard of your business. As Hoof & Souls promotes your business, you're gaining new customers who will already have good feelings about you because you are supporting their favorite charitable organization.
Align yourself with a respected non-profit organization.
Sponsorship puts you and your customers in a "think of others first" mindset. Aligning your business with a non-profit builds awareness. Everyone is participating in helping others.
It promotes cooperation and collaboration. This is a great way for your business and Hoof & Souls to work together for the betterment of the overall community.
It builds good will. People will look at your business differently. Additional customer base makes up for revenue forfeited through the discounts and donation
Hoof & Souls will provide marketing of your business through the following:
Hoof & Souls website
Promotional Materials
Corporate Sponsor
Thank you to any corporate sponsor who are graciously considering donating products, services or money to benefit the equines at Hoof & Souls. Without donors, Hoof & Souls would not exist.